Monday, August 1, 2016

Donald Trumpo!

Donald Trump Policies
            Donald Trump, the current Republican Party nominee, has had a very successful campaign. With his controversial proposed policies, he had drawn the attention of the whole nation, but how beneficial and realistic are his policies? Some of his policies proposals include changing the birthright citizenship in the United States, banning/deporting illegal immigrants and building a wall. In this paper we will discuss how illegal immigrants help or affect the economy of the U.S, we will discuss if there is really a need for a border wall, and finally we will discuss how Donald Trump’s plan of reducing illegal immigrant population could only work if he opens the doors of the country to legal immigrants.
1.      Immigration policy
Donald Trump’s immigration policy includes mainly 3 topics. Birthright citizenship, the US-MX border, and immigrant deportation. We will specify what is Trump’s stand in each one of these topics and judge how beneficial or realistic they are.
1.1  Birthright citizenship
One of the first things that Donald Trump proposed was to stop giving citizenship to babies from illegal immigrant parents. “I don’t think they have American citizenship and if you speak to some very, very good lawyers – and I know some will disagree, but many of them agree with me—and you’re going to find they do not have American citizenship” was Donald’s opinion during an interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly.

1.2  Claim that illegals bring crime with them.
One of the reasons why Donald trump wants to admonish birthright citizenship if because “The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.….”, he stated during in a written statement.
This declaration brought controversy among Mexican-Americans. Donald clarified that “On the other hand, many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally….”
After these declarations a study was made to test whether illegal immigrants were responsible for higher levels of violence and drug-related crime. The study concluded that there was no relation between violence and illegal immigrants but it does state that there is a small yet significant relation between drug-related crimes and illegal immigrants (David Green 9). Which means that Donald Trump’s claim about fewer illegal immigrant safer country is not completely correct nor completely wrong.
1.3  U.S – MX Border wall
One of the main plans of Donald trump to achieve preventing illegal immigrants from entering the country is building a wall. This plan was very judged since it involved Mexico paying the cost of this wall. According to experts the wall could be as much as $25 billion dollars without including the cost of land acquisition and maintenance. There are a couple issues with this wall to be addressed. First, the wall would require constantly patrolling to watch for people jumping over. Second, according to Robert Warren a lot of the people entering the country illegally enter using tourist’s visas and overstay (Warren 92-93[d1] ). For now, no one knows how effective would be this wall; what we know is that if built it would not stop even half of the illegal immigrants from crossing the border.
1.4  Mass deportation
Another way that Donald plans to use to decrease illegal immigrant population is by mass deporting. This was another interesting topic since some said that this would be very expensive and that the country wouldn’t be willing to pay the money required to deport all illegal immigrants. Mass deporting illegal immigrants is not only expensive; according to Raul Hinojosa Ojeda, an immigration expert, deporting every illegal immigrant would harm the economy lowering the GDP by about 1.46% annually, according to Raul this could make the country loose $2.3 trillion dollars in 10 years (Hinojosa[d2] , 188).This makes Donald’s plan of mass deporting rather unrealistic.
2        Economic policy.
Trump’s economy policy plan has a lot to do with his immigration policy plan since one of the things he wants to do is give the job positions that are currently filled by illegal immigrants to Americans. To do this Trump would need to deport illegal immigrants or make it harder for them to get employed. We will discuss what are the consequences of deporting immigrants and how Donald could make this plan work.
Donald stated that he would give more jobs to Americans by deporting illegal immigrants and stopping them from entering the country, he argues that illegal immigrants have a negative impact on the US economy because they don’t pay taxes and receive benefits from the US government. His plan is to give jobs that are currently filled by illegal immigrants to Americans. But there are a few things to consider. 
            According to a research by Arizona State University and the University of Utah most of the illegal immigrants pay state, federal and local taxes but are not eligible for benefits. According the same study, the social security administration gets $7 billion dollars of taxes in forms that cannot be matched to the right social security number and Medicare receives over $1.5 billion dollars annually.   (Becerra et al. 121).
Also, reducing illegal immigrant population have a negative effect in the US economy. According to Andri Chassamboulli and Giovanny Peri the decrease of illegal immigrants on labor markets would “reduce job-creation of firms and increase unemployment of unskilled native workers. They will also reduce income per native.” (Chassamboulli and Peri 24).
One of the main reason of why reducing illegal immigrant population affects the US economy is because illegal immigrants often work for much lower pay rates than Americans, this causes the firm to generate higher surplus and thus pushes the firm to create more job opportunities for other people.
With all of this in mind Donald’s plan of job creation will fail if he maintains his plans of reducing illegal immigrants unless he decreases the illegal immigrant population but increase the number of legal immigrants. As Chassamboulli and Peri said “To the contrary, policies that decrease the number of illegal immigrants but increase the total number of immigrants (such as legalization) will improve job creation, decrease native unemployment and increase income per native.” (Chassamboulli and Peri 24) In this case Donald’s plan of reducing illegal immigrant population would work.

In conclusion Donald Trump’s policies might work if he develops them in the right way. In this paper we discussed how Donald Trump deporting plan would bring GDP down and how the united states need immigrants to keep its economy running well. We also discussed how a building a wall to stop immigrant from coming would not be very effective since most of the immigrants cross the border with their tourist’s visas. We also reviewed Donald’s statement about how immigrants bring crime to the United States and how that is a false statement. As a conclusion we can say that building a wall and stopping immigrants or deporting them won’t make the country a safer place but indeed it would help the economy better if and only if he brings legal immigrants at the same time he gets the number of illegal immigrants down. If Donald Trump does not bring legal immigrants to the country and he deports illegal ones the country economy will go down until the total number of immigrants raises.
Our final conclusion is that Donald Trump could help the economy by adding policies that make it harder for illegal immigrants to get/find jobs to decrease the illegal immigration population to then bring more legal immigrants to the country. Measures like building a wall, removing child birth citizenship or mass deporting we found unnecessary.

Cited work:
Green, David. "The Trump Hypothesis: Testing Immigrant Populations as a Determinant of Violent and Drug-Related Crime in the United States." Social Science Quarterly (2016).
Warren, Robert, and Donald Kerwin. "Beyond DAPA and DACA: Revisiting Legislative Reform in Light of Long-Term Trends in Unauthorized Immigration to the United States." Journal on Migration and Human Security JMHS 3.1 (2015): 80-108.
Hinojosa-Ojeda, Raul. "The Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Immigration Reform." Cato Journal ser. 32.1 (2012): 1-26. 
Becerra, David, David K. Androff, Cecilia Ayon, and Jason T. Castillo. "Fear vs. Facts: Examining the Economic Impact of Undocumented Immigrants in the U.S." Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare ser. 39.4 (2012).
Chassamboulli, Andri, and Giovanni Peri. "The Labor Market Effects of Reducing the Number of Illegal Immigrants." Review of Economic Dynamics 18.4 (2015): 792-821.

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